Tuesday, November 22, 2011

our dog

Okay, so we got a new dog october 5. His name is Zion. Okay, yesterday Zion and Kate had a fight and we couldnt seperate them. Mom thought it was a fluke but it happened agian and Katie was limping so if you want him post us on facebook


Monday, November 7, 2011

Favorite part of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe...

My favorite part of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe was when the statues were freed by Aslan breathing on them. I liked that part because Aslan was kind of like a super hero and saved the day. I also liked the part of the battle. I liked that part because the White Witch died and Edmund changed for the better. My least favorite creature was the Giant Rumblebuffin because he had scary hair and his name-geesh, that is a weird name. Who would name their child Rumblebuffin-poor kid.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My favorite Halloween candy is.......

My favorite kind of Halloween candy is KitKat because its chocolatey,crunchy,and yummy. I already had 2 pieces.I started to like it when I was 4 years old. My mom used to love them but now her favorite is M&M's and Reeces Pieces. My dad likes 3 Musketeers and my brother likes Hershey bars. But if it has any kind of chocolate to it, I will eat it up!!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

My favorite past halloween costume is...

My favorite costume is Indiana Jones.I like Indiana Jones costume because it came with a hat and the whip.Of course, I'm too big for it now. The next day rrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiipppppppp.I like the Indiana Jones movies because it has lots of adventures. My favorite movie is The Last Crusade because there are tanks in it and they have to crack codes to get to the Holy Grail.bye.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Today im in to Wolverine so i made up Creature. He has the same powers and he's in the Hex Men. I'll tell you them: there is Proffesor Peanut,Laserbeam,Creature,Adapter,Eagle,Spyke,Wallcrawler,Bap,Bam,Bullwyp,Dr.Oharabeastly,Laser,Link,Freeze,Electrobom,Firework,Metalman,Magnetman,and Proffesor K Kristi. I'll tell you their powers: Proffesor Peanut and Proffesor K Kristi both are telapaths. Laserbeam has Cyclops. Power Adapter has Rogue's power. Eagle has Angels power. Spykes power is he can have spikes out of him. Wallcrawler has Nightcrawlers power. Zap can shoot electricity out of his hands. Bam can blow up and reappear. Bullwyp can have bullwips come out of his hands .Dr.Ohara beastly is smart. Laser can shoot lasers out of his hands .Link is telapathic too. Freeze can shoot ice out of his hands. Electro bom shoots bombs that are electric .Firework can shoot fireworks out of her hands. Metalman is metal. Magnetman has Magnetos power .Thats it for now. Bye

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Super peanut

Today i just played brawl of justice and i was superboy and im intrested in superman so i became Super Peanut and i have to protect the city of galixo with my young ward Warman aka Bailey lewis well thats all i have for today

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Batboy

Hello, I'm the Batboy. I can't tell you my real identity because you'll tell. I'm going to teach you about SUPERHEROS FLASH,and BATMAN tomorrow. Bye.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Super Hero Names

First of all my first super hero name is Super Peanut. Then it goes Batboy,Captain Pop,Thornut,Cobra,Zoomzoom and more but I cannot remember right now

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Today I am talking about super heros. Well, let's see :theres Green Arrow (city is Star City)Superman aka Clark Kent (city Metropolis) Batman aka Bruce Wayne (city Gotham) Villans; Joker,Mr.Freeze,Twoface,Riddler,Bane,Penguin,Catwoman,Poison Ivy,Killer Crok,Man Bat,Clay Face,Scare Crow,Killer Moth,Harley Quinn,Tropical Joker.Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rodrick rules

Two days ago we saw Rodrick Rules. If you didn't see it here's stuff you need to know: When Rodrick drives it scares Moms. When Greg goes to church he sits on Mannys chocolate bar and looks like its poop. Greg licks it and grosses everybody out.
When they go skateing Susan Heffley says "its ok your Father is coming to get you I reapeat its ok". When they're in trouble they go to their grndpas retirement home. Rodrick gets Gregs diary and Greg forgot clothes and ran to the ladies bathroom then the ladies started to attack him.
I thought this movie was awesome. It made me laugh so hard I almost peed myself. I would recommend this movie to anyone.

First Blog Entry EVER !!!

Don't judge me cause this is my first time doing this. I am new here so don't pick on me.